Nepal Agriculture Economics Society (NAES), Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur
Agriculture has been the prime sector of the Nepalese economy. The agricultural development policy and program issues related to natural resources, investment, subsidy/taxes, public/private services, agro-industries, marketing and pricing, and trade are of paramount importance for economic growth and people's welfare. So, the Nepal Agricultural Economics Society (NAES), established in year 2005, has taken the onus to pursue these issues, and suggest solutions to the stakeholders. NAES is dedicated to serving on skills and knowledge for agricultural advancement and making arrangements for the exchange of views.
The main objectives of NAES are to 1. enhance cooperation among the agricultural economists and agricultural scientists to enhance and protect their professional rights and welfare; 2. assess the agricultural policies, development status, and problems of farmers and relevant stakeholders for suggesting innovative solutions to all the concerned; 3. suggest to the public and the private agencies on emerging agricultural development issues including marketing system, quality, and prices of agricultural inputs and products for the welfare of producers, entrepreneurs, and consumers; 4. provide research and consultative services to institutions and individuals; 5. enable members to carry out subject-related consultations and services; 6. support and execute agricultural research on technical, social, and economic aspects.
The main objectives NAES are to
1. Enhance co-operations among the agricultural economists, and agricultural scientists, and enhance protect their professional rights and welfare;
2. Assess the agricultural policies, development status and problems of farmers and other stakeholders for suggesting innovative solutions to all these concerned;
3. Suggest to the public and the private agencies on market system, quality and prices of agricultural inputs and products for the welfare of producers, entrepreneurs and consumers;
4. Provide research and consultative services to institutions and individuals;
5. Enable members to carry-out subject-related consultations and services; and
6. Support and execute agricultural research on technical, social and economic aspects.
Main Activities
NAES carries out the following activities:
1. Arrange offices, fund and personnel to carryout different activities of the Society;
2. Organize conferences, seminars, workshops, trainings, talk programs and interactions among the members and related professionals;
3. Carryout research and consultancy services in the field of agricultural economics and allied aspects;
4. Arrange training programs for the members on new developments in the field;
5. Network with other organizations for professional development and welfare;
6. Regularly publish Journal, and other occasional / issue papers;
7. Raise membership and funds;
8. Maintain library and other resource centers;
9. Mobilize funds, get audit and maintain transparency; and
10. Conduct other works to fulfill the Society's objectives.