Nepal Agriculture Extension Association (NAEA), Hariharbhawan, Lalitpur
Agricultural development is fundamental for sustainable development and poverty alleviation in the developing countries like Nepal where agriculture, besides being the primary source of food and contribution in the household economy, holds major share in providing the raw materials for industries and the national economy too. Basically, there are three dimensions of agricultural development- agricultural research, agricultural education and agricultural extension. Extension services primarily serves the objective of enhancing farmers' technical knowledge and farm management skills together with establishment of effective information system for agricultural development which will in long run is believed to result improved production, increased economic return and contribution to amplifying the national economy. In order to support fulfillment of aforementioned objective of extension services, Nepal Agricultural Extension Association (NAEA), a non-profit professional association comprising professionals working in different arena of agricultural development, has been established in the year 2018 A.D. (2075 B.S.). NAEA is committed to contribute to its level best for agricultural transformation through professional fraternity.
The mission of NAEA is to promote the science and vocation of agricultural extension through its members and policy advocacy activities. Currently NAEA has ...... members. The majority of our members are government employees but membership also include from private and agricultural college and universities. NAEA has very good ties with various organizations and government departments such as the Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry and Fisheries; the various provincial Departments; local governments’ agriculture units, agribusiness organizations, private sectors and other concerned stakeholders.
As a strategic institution, NAEA is playing a pivotal role in fostering policies and programs to enhance professionalism in the science and the art of agricultural extension. The professionalism is achieved through interaction with diverse extension personnel within and outside the country.
The aim of NAEA is policy advocacy to foster professionalism in the science and the art of agricultural extension among extension professionals, academia, researchers, trainers, managers and administrators. The main objectives of NAEA are to:
- Provide a forum to exchange knowledge and ideas through discussions, seminars, workshops, instructions, publications, meetings and other activities;
- Review the agricultural policies, strategies, plans and programs in the light of problems and issues of the farmers and other stakeholders to come-up with innovative solutions;
- Focus attention on the challenges of agricultural education and extension with a view to improve effective communication for agricultural development;
- Enable members to carry-out subject-related consultations and services; and
- Cooperate and liaise with related institutions and organizations, both national and international, in all matters of mutual interest.
Main activities
NAEA carries out the following activities:
- Offer policy advice to foster professionalism among agricultural extension professionals and analyze problems and issues for institutionalizing agricultural extension system;
- Deliver information and new technologies of agricultural science;
- Organize conferences, seminars, workshops, trainings, talk programs and interactions among the members and related professionals;
- Carryout research and consultancy services in the field of agriculture science and allied aspects;
- Arrange training programs for the members to develop expert extension services in agriculture;
- Establish network with other national and international organizations for professional development and welfare;
- Publish Journal, proceedings and other occasional/issue papers;
- Encourage membership formation, maintain library and other resource centers;
- Mobilize funds in capacity development of concerned stakeholders and maintain transparency; and
- Conduct other works to fulfill the objectives of farmers, agriculture traders, consumers, government and other concerned stakeholders.