Nepal Horticulture Society (NHS), Kirtipur, Kathmandu
As stated in the constitution of Nepal Horticulture Society (NHS), the purpose of the NHS is to promote and encourage national interest in horticulture. The society was established in the yeat 1990 with the following specific objectives: The NHS was established in 1990 with following objectives.
To promote and encourage national interest in horticulture
- To enhance public awareness towards the importance of horticulture.
- To promote and develop linkage with related national and international institutions/organizations/societies.
- To advise governmental and non-governmental organizations in planning and execution of horticulture development programs.
- To encourage and recognize professional horticulturists for their contribution and dedication in developing horticulture sector in the nation.
- To create conducive environment for the development of horticulture in Nepal.
- To develop a strong work ethics in horticulture.
- Promote horticulture as an integral part of environmental conservation activity.
Members of NHS
There are 271 members including 89 life members and 182 general members. Members of the society are working in different organizations (Government and non-government) as well as private sectors by developing their own Farm or Agribusiness In governmental sectors (one Horticulture officer in each district, Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC) and different horticultural Farm stations under DoA and NARC and Agricultural college etc. So members are spread all over the country and supporting the NHS work from their own working station.